Marija Djokic Petrovic
Assistant Professor at the School of Computing, Union University, Belgrade, Serbia | University Lecturer at FH Joanneum, University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria | Coordinator of SBK Prosvjeta Austria for Styria | Member of Advisory Council for Foreigners of City Graz


Asst. Prof. Dr Marija Đokić Petrović
School of Computing
Union University
Kneza Mihaila 6
1100 Belgrade


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Google Scholar


  • Đokić Petrović, M., Popović M., Polomac V. (2024). Utilizing Named Entity Recognition for the Analysis of Serbian Archival Documents. The International Conference South Slavic Languages in the Digital Environment, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, be held on November 21-23, 2024, in Belgrade, Serbia (book of abstracts)
  • Đokić Petrović, M., Đorđević J., Popović. St. M., (2024). Enhancing Scientific Papers Comprehension through a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) technique and SPARQL. International Scientific Conference Stylistics and Artificial Intelligence of the Commission for Stylistics of the International Slavic Committee, Faculty of Philology, University of Belgrade, June 14-15, 2024, Belgrade, Serbia (pre-print)
  • Đokić Petrović, M., Bečejski-Vujaklija D., Đorđević J., Mitrović J. (2024). Unveiling Literary Legacies: Integrating Named Entity Recognition and SPARQL for Analyzing Andrić’s Letters. 16th Symposium of  Andrić Initiative: Andrić’s Letters, October 17-19, Graz, Austria (pre-print)
  • Đokic Petrovic, M., Kalayci, T.E., Lah, M. and Fachbach, B. (2024). Method of Updating a Knowledge Graph, European Patent Office (Pat. No. EP4369259A1, Pat. Pend.), Application filed by Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH
  • Đokic Petrovic, M., Kalayci, T.E., Lah, M. and Fachbach, B. Real-time reasoning over knowledge graphs for enhanced decision-making (Extended Abstract), In Chair of the symposium Jost Bernasch Virtual Vehicle, Green Digital Mobility, 2023.
  • Kaiser, C., Stocker, A., Festl, A., Djokic Petrovic, M., Papatheocharous, E., Wallberg, A., Ezquerro, G., Ortigosa Orbe, J., Szilagyi, T. and Fellmann, M. (2020). A Vehicle Telematics Service for Driving Style Detection: Implementation and Privacy Challenges. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems – Volume 1 (VEHITS), ISBN 978-989-758-419-0, p.29-36. DOI: 10.5220/00093294002900361
  • Đokić Petrović, M. (2019) “Bioinformatical platform for execution Federated SPARQL queries over ontological databases and detection of similar data by determining their semantic relatedness.” [Doctoral dissertation] Faculty of Science, University of Kragujevac, Serbia.
  • Arsić, B., Ðokić-Petrović, M., Spalević, P., Milentijević, I., Rančić, D., & Živanović, M. (2019). SpecINT: a framework for data integration over cheminformatics and bioinformatics RDF repositories. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 10(4), 795-813, DOI: 10.3233/SW-180327.
  • Djokic-Petrovic, M., Cvjetkovic, V., Yang, J., Zivanovic, M., & Wild, D. J. (2017). PIBAS FedSPARQL: a web-based platform for integration and exploration of bioinformatics datasets. Journal of biomedical semantics, 8(1):42, pp. 1-20. ISSN: 2041-1480, DOI:
  • Djokic-Petrovic, M., Pritchard, D., Ivanovic, M. and Cvjetkovic, V. (2016), IMI Python: Upgraded CS Circles web-based Python course. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 24(3), pp. 464 – 480, ISSN: 1061-3773, doi:10.1002/cae.21724, DOI:
  • Cvjetkovic, V., Djokic, M., Arsic, B., and Curcic, M. (2014). The ontology supported intelligent system for experiment search in the scientific research center. Kragujevac Journal of Science, (36), pp. 95-110. ISSN: 1450-9636, DOI: 10.5937/KgJSci1436095C
  • Arsić, B., Đokić, M., Cvjetković, V., Spalević, P., & Ilić, S. (2015). Semantic search framework for distributed semantically based cheminformatics and bioinformatics datasets. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Society and Technology (ICIST 2015) (pp. 518-522).
  • Cvjetkovic, V., & Djokic, M. (2015). Semantic web based organization of scientific bibliography references. Proceedings SCIECONF (ScieConf), ISBN, 978-80.
  • Arsić, B., Ðokić, M., & Stefanović, N. (2014). Mapping ebXML standards to ontology. In International conference on information society and technology (ICIST). Kopaonik, Serbia (pp. 198-203).
  • Arsic, B., Djokic, M., Cvjetkovic, V., Spalevic, P., Zivanovic, M., & Mladenovic, M. (2014). Integration of bioactive substances data for preclinical testing with Cheminformatics and Bioinformatics resources. In Proceedings of the 23nd International Electrotechnical and Computer Science Conference. ERK: Portorož, Slovenia (pp. 146-149).
  • Cvjetković, V., Djokić, M., & Arsić, B. (2013). Wikipedia Browsing With DBpedia. In Proceedings in EIIC-The 2nd Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference.
  • M. Cvjetkovic, M. Djokic, B. Arsic, Owl based modelling and visualisation of arbitrary semantic data structure, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference “Science and Higher Education in Function of Sustainable Development’”, Business Technical College, pp. 2:13-19, Uzice, October 04-05, 2012, (ISBN 978-86-83573-26-4)
  • Cvjetković, V., Đokić, M., & Arsić, B. (2012). Ontology Visualization. In Proceedings of the 1st Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2012) (pp. 1999-2004).
  • Cvjetković, V. M., Đokić, M., & Arsić, B. (2013). Semantically based customized search on local web site. In Proceedings of the 2nd Virtual International Conference on Advanced Research in Scientific Areas (ARSA-2013) (pp. 453-458).
  • Djokic, N. Stefanovic, (March 3 – 6, 2013) Application of Semantic Web in tourism information systems, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Information Society Technology (ICIST-2013), pp. 3:130-135 Kopaonik, Serbia.
  • М. Djokic-Petrovic, D. Becejski-Vujaklija, A. Pajic-Simovic. (3-7 September 2018). The status of women in the Serbian IT sector. Poster session presented at the European Women in Mathematics General Meeting 2018, Karl-Franzens Univeristy Graz, Austria.
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